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Bellco Glass 2578-12133 300 mL Nephelo Flask with 3 Baffles

Part # 2578-12133


Bellco Glass, 2578-12133, 300 mL Nephelo Flask with 3 Baffles and DeLong Neck, 12 x 130 Sidearm

Manufactured from type 1, class A - borosilicate glass with 3 bottom baffles and DeLong neck. Flask includes a 25 mm. Bellco SST closure. Ideal for growing, storing and mixing of aerobic and anaerobic cultures Sidearm dimensions: 12 x 130 mm. O.D. x O.A.L.


Unit of MeasurePack of 4 pcs



Please read description carefully. Do not base your order on the picture presented.


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Bellco Glass 2578-12133 300 mL Nephelo Flask with 3 Baffles

SKU: 2578-12133
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