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J.G. Finneran Associates 32011L-1232A 2.0mL Large Opening Amber Vial

Part # 32011L-1232A

Vial Color: Amber, Vial Type: Standard


J.G. Finneran Associates, 32011L-1232A, 2.0mL Large Opening Amber Vial, 12x32mm, 11mm Crimp Finish

40% larger opening prevents broken needles due to increased target area. Neck finish allows use of patented Poly Crimp Seals or standard aluminum seals. Designed to work in Agilent and other autosamplers.


Unit of MeasurePack of 1000 pcs



Please read description carefully. Do not base your order on the picture presented.


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J.G. Finneran Associates 32011L-1232A 2.0mL Large Opening Amber Vial

SKU: 32011L-1232A
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