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Hybrid Quadrupole-Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer Q EXACTIVE with Syringe pump, Divert valve, Power conditioner, Sogevac vacuum pump, IonMax Source, HESI Probe, APCI probe, Xcalibur data system. Optional Nanospray Flex Ion Source


Q Exactive Plus Specifications

Mass Range: 50 to 6000 m/z

Scan Rates: Up to 12 Hz

Type: Quadrupole-Orbitrap LC-MS

Dynamic Range: >5000:1

Mass Accuracy: Internal: <1-ppm RMS
                             External: <3-ppm RMS

Polarity Switching: One Full Cycle in <1 Sec (One Full Positive Mode Scan and One Full Negative Mode Scan (at a Resolution Setting of 35,000)

Sensitivity: Full MS: 500 fg Buspirone on Column S/N 100:1

                    SIM: 30 fg Buspirone on Column S/N 100:1

Resolution: 140,000 (at m/z 200; Optional 280,000 at m/z 200)Unit SizeEach

Hybrid Quadrupole-Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer Q EXACTIVE

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