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Foxx Life Sciences P10416 Abdos Centrifuge Tube Sterilized

Part # P10416


Foxx Life Sciences, P10416, Abdos Racked Centrifuge Tube with Conical Bottom (50ml) 16 Place, Paper Racks, Gamma Sterilized, 400/CS

These Racked Conical Bottom Centrifuge tubes come in a disposable virgin paper rack which holds 25 sterile 15ml graduated Centrifuge Tubes. Disposable natural racked PP/PS Tubes come with a threaded Blue HDPE Cap and are CE certified. They are DNase, RNase, Human DNA, ATP, and Pyrogen Free.


Unit of MeasurePack of 400 pcs


Min. Temp.0C
Max. Temp.135C
Sterilization by RadiationGamma
Material TransparencyClear
Batch CertificateYes
Complies withISO 11137
ISO Standard9001, 13485, 14001



Item is non-returnable unless defective.



Please read description carefully. Do not base your order on the picture presented.



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Foxx Life Sciences P10416 Abdos Centrifuge Tube Sterilized

SKU: P10416
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