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Dynalon 453635 4800ml Natural Disposable Specimen Container

Part # 453635


Dynalon, 453635, 4800ml Natural Disposable Specimen Container with Cover

Designed to simplify and standardize the handling and storage of specimens. The containers are inert and cannot be attacked by formaldehyde or weak acids or bases. Will resist freezing or boiling. They have long shelf lives and are easily disposable. Sturdy enough for reuse. Easy to store, requires little space.


Unit of MeasureCase of 25 pcs


Capacity ml4800
Capacity oz.168.8
O.D. inches8.1
Height inches with lid7.8



Please read description carefully. Do not base your order on the picture presented.



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Dynalon 453635 4800ml Natural Disposable Specimen Container

SKU: 453635
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