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Ace Glass 8648-181 Pressure Tube with Plunger Valve, 210ml

Part # 8648-181


Ace Glass, 8648-181, Pressure Tube with Plunger Valve and Thermowell, 210ml, 150psi

Rugged, heavy wall tube, similar to listing above, except glass plunger valve has a 5mm I.D. thermowell for a thermocouple wire or sheathed probe up to 1/8" (3.2mm) O.D. Closed bottom plunger has a hole inside that when positioned in relation to O-Ring seal, allowing Tube to be opened or closed to the atmosphere (i.e., pull to close, push to open). Step-down extension on upper end of plunger acts as stop in-bushing. Complete item consists of Tube (#15 Ace-Thread), PTFE Bushing with FETFE O-Ring, and Plunger Valve with Thermowell.


Length, (below thread), cm30.5 (12")
Body O.D., mm38.1
Approx. Total Capacity, mL210



Please read description carefully. Do not base your order on the picture presented.



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Ace Glass 8648-181 Pressure Tube with Plunger Valve, 210ml

SKU: 8648-181
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