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Duran 9655-39 Instatherm Head, 4in Flange, 45/50 Center Neck

Part # 9655-39


Duran, 9655-39, Ace Glass Instatherm Head, 4in Flange, 45/50 Center Neck, Three 24/40 Side Necks

Rugged cylindrical reaction flask and head with Duran, flat, ground 4" flange with O-Ring groove and integral heating element that eliminates the local superheating commonly associated with more conventional heating methods and eliminates cumbersome and dangerous oil baths. Response is rapid and accurate. Supplied with silicone coating for insulation and protection. Contacts are standard banana plugs. Use with 9698-16 connecting cord. CAPFE O-ring supplied with flask. Flask coated within approx. 38mm of flange.



Please read description carefully. Do not base your order on the picture presented.



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Duran 9655-39 Instatherm Head, 4in Flange, 45/50 Center Neck

SKU: 9655-39
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