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AMS, 209.56 3-1/4" Deluxe Environmental Kit

Part # 209.56


3-1/4" Deluxe Environmental Kit

All stainless steel for environmental sampling.

Used in soils with low levels of contaminants or where equipment will be cleaned using an acid bath technique. Contains the same components as the basic kit but in all stainless.



  • Regular, sand and mud augers, cross handle, split soil core sampler, slide hammer, three 4' extensions, plastic liner, plastic end caps, wrenches, and cleaning brush in a rugged, foam-padded hard-sided AMS deluxe carrying case with handles and wheels.
  • 25 plastic liners, 50 plastic end caps, 50 fluoropolymer swatches for enhanced core sealing and a #2 AMS stainless steel scoop.

AMS, 209.56 3-1/4" Deluxe Environmental Kit

SKU: 209.56
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